This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Hector Salbei #317 159,500,348 Wolfs Rudel
hector Deralin #314 37,963,708 pana
Hector Valhalla #316 20,111,524 black hawks
Hector Lannister #149 19,405,776 Thunderclan2
Hector Hera #256 10,205,169 Alexandria
hector Kavala #292 8,560,167
Hector Staphylos #155 4,737,943 Game of Thrones
Hector Perigune #134 3,605,122 Schwarze Reiter
Hector Plutarch #147 3,583,057 ezea
Hector 헥토르 #207 3,382,435 007스펙터
Hector Apollon #230 3,190,453 Dragon blanc
Hector Hellanicus #176 1,848,211 Fairy Tail
Hector Olympias #275 1,689,666 Mexican
Hector Maeon #274 1,365,094 ☆°MOON§laYer°☆
hector Oenopion #137 647,593 «Akatsuki»
HECTOR Arcadia #196 500,793 Cavernas
hector Atlas #10 432,543
Hector Remiel #306 360,140
Hector Corcyra #283 173,783
hector Columbus #198 162,445 wind walkers
hector Nirvana #228 146,982
hector Elippi #271 146,982
hector Hades #144 124,809 Shadow Warriors
hector Corinth #267 116,588
HECTOR Spartel #24 110,359 独行侠
Hector Daedalus #120 102,341 Redemption
Hector Tlaloc #203 80,499 Akıncılar
Hector Seneca #141 75,005 eredi
Hector Cerberus #117 61,552
Hector Mission #62 51,730
hector Celeste #201 50,578
HecToR Bilmece #311 49,415 Tempest
Hector Pittheus #146 48,918 ĞŁĂĐĪĂĐØŘĔŠ
Hector Jarama #87 45,570 Merlin's Misfits
Hector Tempest #58 44,788
HECTOR Heracles #253 36,627 АЛЛ ФОКСА
Hector Azaes #171 32,015
hector Elasippus #169 30,736 DARK WARRIORS 勇士
Hector Левиафан #182 30,311 Sirena
Hector Bijoux #35 26,854
Hector Proclus #178 25,683
hector Thule #188 22,545 sleepy dragons
hector Hippocampus #175 22,399 Stargaters
Hector Hurakan #204 21,734
hector Lycomedes #132 18,396
Hector Lemuria (레뮤리아) #20 16,549 Hobbit
hector Elysium #157 15,991 StarWarfare
Hector Tertullian #183 15,308 Bad Blood
Hector Folsom #78 15,032 Deaths hand
HECTOR Tripoli #290 12,642
Hector Androgeus #116 11,588 ☥III Di∩∆∫∓i∆☥
hector Pallantides #151 4,832
Hector Utopia #160 3,779 Dovakin Morsus
Hector Theodosia #199 3,753 Troy
Hector Potomac #74 3,543 blood shot team.
Hector Zeus #255 3,351
Hector Mnestheus #135 3,015 Hector
hector Diamant #36 2,950
Hector Pirithous #131 2,560 men are zee best
Hector Couleuvre #76 2,502 DragonFly
Hector Sinis #152 2,395 Dragonslayer
Hector Poseidon #251 2,233
HeCToR Pausanias #143 2,231
Hector Triton #174 2,191 extra
Hector Rhône (론) #93 2,019 빅뱅
Hector Nereid #136 1,997
hector Seine #79 1,824 dark~wolves
Hector Labrys #112 1,795 Et De Syreni
HeCTor Hippolytus #128 1,723 AYYILDIZ
hector Skyros #153 1,714
Hector Aztlan #28 1,714 Hector
Hector Pfeil #57 1,644
hector Hermocrates #7 1,456 Glaysland
hector Nixie #247 1,222
hector Zümrüt #70 1,103 ROME
Hector Marcellinus #180 1,017
Hector Posidonius #14 911 Longboarchile
hector Petaluma #92 760
hector Troezen #159 662 Protection
hector Nettuno #166 636
Hector Klamath #81 555
Hector Crantor #11 527 Les marchømbres
Hector Pégaso #221 520
hector Megara #286 500
hector Evaemon #167 416 wolwo
Hector Tagliamento #88 401
Hector Taurus #158 369
Hector Meropis #15 351
hector Asterion #109 347 Lion Heart
Hector Aphrodite #257 320
Hector Guadalquivir #82 303 ★€ lfen☆Lî € d★
HECTOR Knossos #111 284
Hector Mestor #170 269
Hector Hydra #53 266
Hector Draconis #4 259
Hector Santorini #106 256
hector Anaconda #68 236 Noxus
Hector Euripides #122 236
Hector Poseidon #9 219
Hector Gadeirus #164 219
Hector Orichalc #3 211
HECTOR Hippolyta #127 209
hector Serpiente #75 197
Hector Nehalem #90 189
Hector Menorca #104 185 斗龙战士联盟
Hector Deucalion #121 183
hector Labyrinth #129 160
hector Quartz #39 142
Hector Pearl #32 130
Hector Hilaire #52 126
Hector Thera #5 115
hector Hyperborea #29 112
Hector Plato #1 112
Hector Sargasso #27 110
Hector Zoticus #16 109
Hector Eumelus #165 92 Dragon Fangs
Hector Sapphire #34 92
Hector Blutjaspis #46 92
Hector Kyll #64 92
hector Flèche #56 89
Hector Mittelmeer #83 86
hector Kızılırmak #96 85 Yenilmezler
Hector Cercyon #118 82
Hector Solon #2 82
Hector Jet #37 82
hector Merrimack #103 82
hector Harrison #80 82
Hector Onyx #41 82
Hector Jasper #43 82
Hector Arrow #55 82
Hector Hephaestus #126 82
Hector Persephone #12 82
Hector Ancomah #30 82
Hector Emerald #33 76
Hector Orchidée #50 69
hector Thérain #65 69
Hector Critias #6 67
Hector Curlew #51 62
Hector Lena #61 62
Hector Stormvogel #71 62
Hector Orinoco #72 62
Hector Epervier #200 62
Hector Howard #73 62
Hector Filyos #89 62
Hector Nervión #91 62 Royalty
hector Flame #54 62
Hector Lotus #31 62
hector Dionysius #125 62
Hector Ticonderoga #101 62
hector Doggerland #26 62
Hector Bensalem #18 62
hector Dafne #299 62
Hector Carillon #102 62
Hector Strabo #13 62
Hector Ariadne #114 62
Hector Moselle #100 57 Inmortales
Hector Cadmus #252 50 Genei Ryodan