This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Kate Pontus #320 27,202,946 ~(*(*(*_*)*)*)~
Kate Kavala #292 18,115,577 ~(*(*(*_*)*)*)~
kate Hurakan #204 8,198,804 Phönixfalke
kate Марс #248 8,080,301 Varia¤
Kate Neptune #173 7,814,815 Fantasy Dragon I
kate Celeste #201 4,617,155 Mambosse
kate Maeon #274 3,217,084 apéroparty
Kate Lympha #238 2,335,355
Kate Pirithous #131 2,207,041 W€ ΑΓ€ £€GΙΘΝ
Kate Tatzelwurm #239 1,610,326 DragonEliteForce
Kate Corinth #267 1,520,203 ManOwaR
kate Eumelus #165 1,178,528 Great Alliance
Kate Nixie #247 918,674
Kate Strabo #13 721,110
Kate Asgard #309 548,889
Kate Apagra #269 452,864
Kate Deschutes #84 350,400
Kate Serpiente #75 300,062
kate Посейдон #187 194,966 Bene Gesserit
Kate Corcyra #283 182,403 Dragon Riders
kate Pittheus #146 179,612
Kate Thera #5 167,942 The Dragon Lord
Kate Remiel #306 153,842
kate Theseus (테세우스) #110 127,562
Kate Plutarch #147 127,398 BlackShield
Kate Bekto #308 121,150
kate 伊菲蒙 #244 110,752
Kate Procrustes #148 102,380 FNAF
Kate Bahamut #243 101,531 Shadow Blades
Kate Westeros #268 91,534 planes walkers
Kate Marcellinus #180 85,395 finland
Kate Зевс #177 74,659 a1q2
Kate Tertullian #183 71,119
Kate Melanippus #133 52,697 Dragon of Atlant
Kate Theodosia #199 50,100 Forever Alone
Kate Cadmus #252 33,657 los carepapa
Kate Hilaire #52 32,668 l'âge des dragon
Kate Utopia #160 28,256 Fuad Family
Kate Cyclops #202 25,444 lolplayer
Kate Akasha #189 25,198 ancient elves
Kate Sundaland #194 23,911 Divine Rose
Kate Gibia #325 21,286
Kate 소크라테스 #190 19,263 마법사
Kate Klamath #81 18,375 ZIRA
Kate Erinyes #123 17,601
Kate Golgi #285 13,839 Diяту Secяетs
kate Киклопы #197 13,204 данчик и лео
kate Arnobius #184 12,932 Les Konahrik
Kate Lannister #149 12,703 Dark Immortals
Kate Artemis #258 10,849
kate Diaprepes #172 10,794 Happy
Kate Pallantides #151 8,006 Dragon Army
Kate Seneca #141 7,937 cani rabbiosi
Kate Diamant #36 6,601
kate Herodotus #289 5,717 outkasters
kate Perigune #134 5,584 ▶Nirvana◀
Kate Philochorus #145 5,504 dragons heart
Kate Aegeus #142 5,110 Straw Hats
Kate Pompey #225 4,967 Søns Øf Ånärchy
Kate Атлант #162 4,933 Егор
Kate Staphylos #155 4,496
Kate Onyx #41 4,081 Ж ВLAСК РЕАRL Ж
kate Hellanicus #176 3,995
Kate Megara #286 3,582
Kate Taurus #158 3,377 Indonesian
Kate Zeus #255 2,935
kate Lemuria (레뮤리아) #20 2,664
Kate Minos #107 2,411
kate Colubro #77 2,197
Kate Gadeirus #164 2,128 Boss
Kate Flame #54 1,954
kate Hera #256 1,870 NORTH MEN
kate Tartessos #23 1,855 火系联盟
Kate Apollon #230 1,739
Kate Hyperborea #29 1,704 Ancient Lords
Kate Poseidon #9 1,466 Kate's
Kate Ancomah #30 1,422
kate Critias #6 1,357 legendary heroes
Kate Tartarus #156 1,331 训龙高手
Kate Jörmungand #99 1,219 Snöflingan
Kate Левиафан #182 1,176 наташа
Kate Palaemon #300 1,169
kate Pallas #140 1,080
Kate Aphrodite #257 920 The Empire
kate Spartel #24 772 日月神教
Kate Quartz #39 770 Gran_Dragon
Kate Lena #61 760 Zeus de Thor
kate Lapith #130 742
kate Tualatin (툴라틴) #86 624 DRAGON & HUMAN
Kate Pausanias #254 620 Lords of Dragons
kate Azaes #171 519
kate Behemoth #217 512
Kate Ares #259 500
Kate Delle #105 474 悠门骡赶军
Kate Hippocampus #175 469 Pohjola
Kate Pfeil #57 452
kate Topaz #38 444 ko
kate Ao Kin #209 381
Kate Blutjaspis #46 380
Kate Софо́кл #154 372
Kate Couleuvre #76 345 the dragon train
Kate Anaconda #68 342
kate Sciron #150 339 malaysia 666
Kate Saratoga #98 302 Аааас
Kate Mittelmeer #83 270 Bosshaft Allianz
Kate Sargasso #27 261
Kate Draconis #4 252
kate Curlew #51 232
Kate Potomac #74 215
Kate Epervier #200 215
kate Pyrgos #293 212
Kate Granite #42 208
kate Hydra #53 204
Kate Doggerland #26 195
kate Bijoux #35 188
kate Daedalus #120 182 Inquisition
Kate Harrison #80 182
kate Orinoco #72 170
Kate Orichalc #3 164
Kate Lotus #31 164
Kate Alexandrite #44 162
Kate Nervión #91 159
Kate Minotaur #113 154
kate Persephone #12 152
kate Sapphire #34 142
Kate Howard #73 140
kate Swan #48 139
Kate Solon #2 124
Kate Ariadne #114 118
Kate Tagliamento #88 117
kate Atland #19 115
Kate Folsom #78 112
Kate Atlas #10 112
kate Bloodstone #45 112
Kate Posidonius #14 112
kate Nehalem #90 112
Kate Kızılırmak #96 112
kate Tajo #95 109
kate Santorini #106 106
Kate Philo #17 106
Kate Carillon #102 104
Kate Bensalem #18 102
KATE Akvamarin #69 97
Kate Seine #79 92
Kate Merrimack #103 92
Kate Hermocrates #7 92
Kate Blavatsky #21 92
kate Pearl #32 92
Kate Canary #63 92
Kate Petaluma #92 92
Kate Thule #188 85
Kate Merced #94 82
Kate Aztlan #28 82
Kate Labrys #112 82
Kate Staff (스태프) #59 82
kate Hephaestus #126 76
Kate Elysium #157 76
kate Ortson #313 72
Kate Stormvogel #71 72
Kate Jet #37 72
kate Labyrinth #129 69
Kate Briljant #67 69
kate Phaedra #115 62
kate Kyll #64 62
Kate Hippolyta #127 62
Kate Mission #62 62
Kate Theopompus #179 62
kate Tempest #58 62
kate Flèche #56 62
Kate Arrow #55 62
Kate Aquamarine (아쿠아마린) #47 62
Kate Knossos #111 62
Kate Asterion #109 62
kate Emerald #33 62
Kate Autochthon #168 62
Kate Columbus #198 62 Angel⭐
kate Dionysius #125 62
kate Deucalion #121 62
Kate Ticonderoga #101 62
kate Sparviere #66 62
Kate Cerberus #117 62
kate Thérain #65 62
Kate Crantor #11 62
Kate Plato #1 62
Kate Naxos #287 50
Kate Heracles #253 50
Kate Aegeus #250 50