This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Zoey Apagra #269 230,339,149 Relax
Zoey Behemoth #217 85,488,764 ★Rising Fire★
Zoey Golgi #285 79,062,858 ONYX
Zoey Amathaunta #240 50,181,054 Đπάφοη’ş Pπϊδέ
Zoey Astamis #273 16,940,048 Раяаdisе Islапd
zoey Salbei #317 16,472,487
Zoey Hurakan #204 12,631,112 Die Tempelritter
Zoey Bahamut #243 8,355,736 The Avengers
Zoey Delphi #284 3,824,845
Zoey Telamon #302 3,557,349
Zoey Argus #301 2,662,811
Zoey Valhalla #316 1,034,363 Pure Gold
Zoey Mamre #323 966,945 Sexy Beasts
Zoey Gadeirus #164 854,719 Du Veldenvarden
Zoey Plato #1 705,865
Zoey Asgard #309 636,042 fluffy kittens
Zoey Jörmungand #99 521,392 Dragonnest
Zoey Draconis #4 451,021
Zoey Neptune #173 264,833
Zoey Kavala #292 219,377
Zoey Medusa #206 180,117 IMOTAL
ZoeY Solon #2 69,210
Zoey Celestia #223 57,930 Dragon fight
Zoey Elippi #271 55,068
Zoey Sicyon #291 52,048 OutLand
Zoey Tempest #58 38,102
Zoey Naxos #287 35,555
Zoey Phorcys #319 33,071 CŦRL ALŦ ÐELEŦE
Zoey 소크라테스 #190 31,730 TDT
Zoey Pallas #140 26,453 Secret Dragons
Zoey Hyboria #161 21,244 头发感觉
zoey Marcellinus #180 20,848 Tfinest
Zoey Zeus #255 14,468
Zoey Sinis #152 11,303
Zoey Blutjaspis #46 7,390 Dragon Fighters
Zoey Staphylos #155 5,613 Uchiha - Clan
Zoey Megara #286 5,518 Trojon Warriors
Zoey Erinyes #123 4,316 Cerberus
Zoey Sapphire #34 3,835
Zoey Nixie #247 3,346
Zoey Dionysius #125 2,345 Legion19
Zoey Crantor #11 1,639 Akatsuki
Zoey Cercyon #118 1,380 JG
Zoey Strabo #13 977
Zoey Rubicon #60 898
Zoey Theodosia #199 871 Day~of~Reckoning
Zoey Hermocrates #7 759
Zoey Westeros #268 715 Aliance Lyone
zoey Merced #94 629
Zoey Mestor #170 627
zoey Aegeus #142 508
Zoey Hellanicus #176 479
Zoey Perigune #134 471
Zoey Merrimack #103 431
Zoey Mittelmeer #83 394 Dragonstorm
Zoey Lotus #31 389
Zoey Mission #62 377
Zoey Aztlan #28 321
zoey Ticonderoga #101 307
Zoey Tagliamento #88 277
Zoey Moselle #100 230 King of Dragon
Zoey Hippocampus #175 212
Zoey Topaz #38 209
Zoey Artemis #258 200
ZOEY Hyperborea #29 200
Zoey Aegeus #250 200
zoey Asterion #109 199
Zoey Orchidée #50 197
Zoey Jarama #87 195
Zoey Couleuvre #76 173 Eagles
Zoey Atlas #10 170
Zoey Akvamarin #69 169
zoey Pfeil #57 162
zoey Carillon #102 148
Zoey Taurus #158 146 zoey
Zoey Harrison #80 146
Zoey Cerberus #117 143
zoey Doggerland #26 134
zoey Orinoco #72 113
zoey Pearl #32 112
Zoey Deucalion #121 112 happy team
Zoey Howard #73 112
zoey Elysium #157 112 The Pack
zoey Petaluma #92 108
zoey Flame #54 102
ZOEY Zümrüt #70 99
Zoey Thule #188 95
Zoey Sargasso #27 92
zoey Diamant #36 85
Zoey Daedalus #120 83
zoey Seine #79 82
Zoey Persephone #12 82
Zoey Emerald #33 82
Zoey Ancomah #30 74
Zoey Tripoli #290 72
Zoey Hilaire #52 69
Zoey Folsom #78 69
zoey Hephaestus #126 69
Zoey Thera #5 67
zoey Thérain #65 62
Zoey Tajo #95 62
zoey Nehalem #90 62
zoey Arrow #55 62
Zoey Santorini #106 62
zoey Hydra #53 62
zoey Bensalem #18 62
Zoey Curlew #51 62
zoey Alexandrite #44 62
Zoey Klamath #81 62
Zoey Quartz #39 62
zoey Zoticus #16 62
Zoey Critias #6 62
Zoey Potomac #74 62
zoey Labrys #112 62 Et De Syreni
zoey Ariadne #114 62
Zoey Orichalc #3 62
Zoey Minos #107 62
Zoey Kyll #64 62