This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Duke Nirvana #228 172,047,352 ÐâRkáÑgëし
duke Alexandrite #44 73,598,783 ¥mp€rio M@ndel@
Duke Ovid #138 35,373,084 자이
Duke Philo #17 31,540,054 BraveHeart
Duke Pontus #320 10,496,179 DαrkLegendร
Duke Perigune #134 8,474,921
Duke Medusa #206 7,474,310
duke Demypes #272 7,384,182
DUKE Troezen #159 6,054,415
Duke Deralin #314 5,040,096 Rusty Blades
Duke Mestor #170 3,169,522 BeefÿGordita
Duke Sidon #288 2,894,060
Duke Bahamut #243 2,615,886
Duke Corcyra #283 2,520,655 Injustice 2.0
duke Olympias #275 2,464,511
Duke Lapith #130 2,394,385 Draken
duke Gadeirus #164 2,324,282 Havens Fort
DUKE 雅辛托斯 #296 2,036,882 路西法.晨星
Duke Cerberus #117 1,340,216 diegaertner
Duke Neptune #173 1,325,623 Schattenblüte
duke Arcadia #196 1,250,740 Mandela alexandr
duke Ligustinus #192 1,244,493 aliança brasil
Duke Левиафан #182 1,226,498 Ланнистеры
duke Anaconda #68 1,031,381 ×Vikings×Asgard×
Duke Ariadne #114 902,252 Draken
DUKE Aegeus #250 881,637 Alduin's Legacy
Duke Procrustes #148 638,764 Aussies!!!
Duke Theseus (테세우스) #110 601,908 bei robin&james
Duke Ryujin #237 583,022 °¥TH3 WêêkñD¥°
Duke Sabra #322 503,418
Duke Jörmungand #99 426,570 Vampyrerna
Duke Orichalc #3 241,886
Duke Hades #144 223,996 Head hunters
Duke Zoticus #16 213,630
Duke Sicyon #291 212,691 Pgh Steeler’s
duke 탄탈루스 #191 147,831 이이ㅣ이
Duke Atland #19 108,541 龙的传人
Duke Eumelus #165 98,021 Black Dahlia
Duke Meropis #15 82,982 Uygur
DUKE Elasippus #169 81,974 炎龍之國
Duke Hurakan #204 80,378 Schwarzer Drache
Duke Elysium #157 58,199 ☆ESPAÑA☆
Duke Mamre #323 52,076
Duke Melanippus #133 46,255 Администрация!
duke Pfeil #57 43,415
Duke Couleuvre #76 43,390
Duke Persephone #12 41,716 First alliance
Duke Sundaland #194 41,372 Lords of Fury
duke Leucippe #163 33,604 Dragon King's
Duke Labyrinth #129 25,085
duke Oenopion #137 24,416
Duke Marcellinus #180 22,695 • ІИFIИITY •
Duke Delphi #284 22,511
Duke Jarama #87 20,986
Duke Plutarch #147 18,762 King of savane
duke Taurus #158 17,165 The Destroyers
Duke Aphrodite #257 16,695 Mystîçâl Drëåms
Duke Pallas #140 13,947 300 Spartans
Duke Lycomedes #132 13,735 KRATOS
duke Valyrian #260 9,199 duke
duke Ravina #97 7,435 戰盟
Duke Pirithous #131 7,424
Duke Thérain #65 6,220 Swift movement
Duke Skyros #153 6,045 Bikini Bottom
Duke Staphylos #155 5,849
Duke Akvamarin #69 5,469
Duke Columbus #198 5,039 Filthy Few
Duke Pearl #32 3,567 NEXUS
Duke Dionysius #125 3,460 sjaak
Duke Philochorus #145 3,017 BLÄÇĶ Đ£ÄŤH
Duke Folsom #78 2,965
Duke Ancomah #30 2,593
Duke Strabo #13 2,445 RMK
duke Nereid #136 2,039
Duke Sapphire #34 1,947
Duke Hellanicus #176 1,913 destroyer
Duke Pausanias #254 1,900
Duke Cercyon #118 1,783
duke Daedalus #120 1,436 God of Rock
Duke Mission #62 1,377 Armageddon
Duke Ticonderoga #101 1,366 fallen fae
Duke Emerald #33 1,204
duke Minos #107 1,194
duke Cadmus #252 1,100
duke Erinyes #123 892 【TOSL】♚神魔军团♚
duke Kyll #64 850 Brasil 2014
Duke Onyx #41 798
duke Arrow #55 792
Duke Mnestheus #135 777 Chicowigorns
duke Serpiente #75 754 Eee o nooo!!!
Duke Solon #2 667
Duke Aztlan #28 663
duke Santorini #106 624
Duke Hyperborea #29 620 Eragon
Duke Blutjaspis #46 598
duke Orchidée #50 541
duke Aquamarine (아쿠아마린) #47 522 ㅗㅗOlympusㅗㅗ
Duke Critias #6 517
Duke Aegeus #142 506
Duke Draconis #4 444 Flaming Arrows
DUKE Canary #63 443 東北民同盟
duke Poseidon #9 436
duke Atlas #10 399
duke Hippolyta #127 327 *(INDONESIA)*
Duke Plato #1 317
duke Theopompus #179 303
duke Autochthon #168 299
Duke Moselle #100 294 Danadinhos
Duke Hermocrates #7 287 The Untouchables
Duke Hyboria #161 249
Duke Stormvogel #71 227 Alleanza Dragona
Duke Flores #25 222
Duke Klamath #81 220
Duke Menorca #104 220
Duke Howard #73 214
Duke Zümrüt #70 184
Duke Hydra #53 173
Duke Kızılırmak #96 164 Destroyers
duke Harrison #80 154
Duke Petaluma #92 137
Duke Labrys #112 133
Duke Diamant #36 124
duke Tempest #58 122
Duke Curlew #51 117
DUKE Garonne #85 112
Duke Quartz #39 112
Duke Merrimack #103 112
duke Posidonius #14 112
DUKE Beryl #40 112
Duke Asterion #109 107
duke Flame #54 99
Duke Crantor #11 99
Duke Theodosia #199 97 DutchFK
duke Seine #79 96
duke Sparviere #66 93
Duke Tagliamento #88 92
Duke Lena #61 92
duke Tartessos #23 92
Duke Tajo #95 92
DuKe Doggerland #26 92
Duke Jet #37 92
Duke Mittelmeer #83 92
Duke Carillon #102 89
Duke Bensalem #18 82
duke Merced #94 82
Duke Bijoux #35 82
duke Saratoga #98 82
Duke Granite #42 79
Duke Spartel #24 69
Duke Cayce #22 69
duke Lotus #31 62
duke Thera #5 62
Duke Sargasso #27 62
duke Deucalion #121 62
DUKE Potomac #74 62
Duke Hephaestus #126 62
duke Flèche #56 62
DUKE Rubicon #60 62
Duke Lemuria (레뮤리아) #20 62
Duke Filyos #89 62
duke Nehalem #90 62
duke Rhône (론) #93 62
DUKE Androgeus #116 62
Duke Guadalquivir #82 62
Duke Zeus #255 50