This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Stone Demypes #272 279,431,422 NUMANCIA
Stone Pompey #225 234,930,708 Йф1Яц£ё
Stone Golgi #285 143,932,779
Stone Varuna #234 32,899,045 Retribution
stone Elippi #271 15,133,482
stone Isparta #281 12,944,205 $ dragon city $
Stone Athena #266 10,834,787
Stone 曼尼修斯 #245 4,944,435
stone 伊菲蒙 #244 2,366,953
stone Merrimack #103 1,146,162
STONE Dafne #299 1,082,295
Stone Bacchus #218 897,300 AEKAL
Stone Nirvana #228 743,118
stone Pyrgos #293 495,797
stone Asgard #309 401,722
stone Левиафан #182 288,378 Атлантида
Stone Seine #79 273,466 Dark Dragons
Stone Podiana #315 250,923
stone Tethys #318 250,130
stone Beryl #40 212,445 TROY
Stone Astamis #273 204,219
stone Theodosia #199 177,277 StraifDruir
stone Telantes #307 142,065
Stone Telamon #302 128,801 Booze Farms Inc.
Stone Curlew #51 127,822
stone 卡迪亚 #262 119,422
stone Timagenes #181 94,809 Gaga
Stone Ancomah #30 81,540 ILLUMINATI
Stone Azaes #171 81,188
Stone Corcyra #283 78,912
Stone Procrustes #148 78,912 Last of Valhure
Stone Utopia #160 70,095 TOOTGD
Stone Elasippus #169 60,226 '一笑倾城乚
stone Plutarch #147 47,717 rubis gratuit!
Stone Palaemon #300 28,948 UrMomGivesGoodBJ
Stone Zoticus #16 24,195 Svensk Tiger
Stone Kadmus #303 15,264
Stone Nammu #241 14,701
Stone Sabra #322 14,072
stone 트라케 #263 14,072 spanish
stone Taurus #158 13,429 Romanii
Stone Mnestheus #135 12,613
Stone Granite #42 11,311
stone Androgeus #116 10,952
stone Rubicon #60 8,853 神仙☆*:.。.
STONE Apagra #269 8,017
Stone Columbus #198 7,036 Ja Gang!!!
stone Serpiente #75 6,618 {{{ La orden}}}
stone Zümrüt #70 6,408
Stone Sundaland #194 6,025
stone Canary #63 5,782
stone Euripides #122 4,293 神龙
stone Mestor #170 4,268 Reign Of Fire
stone Pallas #140 4,208 The Hazmat Crew
Stone 伽狄鲁斯 #236 4,111 战神联盟
Stone Tagliamento #88 3,719 Fairy Tail ^_^
STONE Hellanicus #176 3,117 Knights Watch
Stone Sciron #150 3,077
Stone Artemis #258 3,050
stone Pallantides #151 2,764 Legendary
stone Eleusis #294 2,676
Stone Nehalem #90 2,564 The Brotherhood
Stone Hurakan #204 2,356 Stoned Sons
Stone Aegeus #250 2,351 ¥ ∆k@tsuk| ¥
stone Poseidon #9 2,346 The FLAME
stone Pasiphae #108 2,275
Stone Philochorus #145 2,158 The Hollows
Stone Elysium #157 2,122
stone Eden #195 2,122
Stone Atlas #10 2,103
Stone Minos #107 2,100 divini
stone Aphrodite #257 1,950 Anonymous
Stone Lotus #31 1,890 Chaos Riders
stone Valyrian #260 1,700 Divergentes
Stone Labrys #112 1,569
Stone Thera #5 1,458
Stone Orchidée #50 1,297
Stone Briljant #67 1,202 Дракон Металика
Stone Aztlan #28 991
Stone Bijoux #35 959
stone Stormvogel #71 915 i birbantelli
Stone Pfeil #57 860
Stone Staphylos #155 855
Stone Diamant #36 795 Stonetrooper
Stone Ticonderoga #101 670 Crystals
Stone Fafnir #211 629
Stone Solon #2 605
Stone Strabo #13 604 Dragon Fighters
Stone Anaconda #68 587
Stone Daedalus #120 578
Stone Kyll #64 522 Liga de Augsburg
STONE Icarus (이카루스) #124 461
STONE 아킬레스 #219 461
stone Alexandrite #44 429 defensa dragon
STONE Hippocampus #175 420 Dragon Kings
Stone Plato #1 358 NEMESIS
stone Rhône (론) #93 354 자원덩어리
Stone Hermocrates #7 312 Hyper Riders
stone Critias #6 290
Stone Deucalion #121 290
Stone Dionysius #125 264 valhalla
stone Troezen #159 252
stone Sinis #152 247
Stone Folsom #78 246
Stone Atland #19 239 SECVUT聯盟
stone Tartessos #23 233
stone Pearl #32 230
stone Blutjaspis #46 228
Stone Mission #62 226
stone Hilaire #52 217 Ligue du Beor
Stone Orinoco #72 216 New Hope
Stone Akvamarin #69 190
stone Emerald #33 189
Stone Doggerland #26 185
Stone Sapphire #34 170
Stone Asterion #109 166
Stone Merced #94 157 萌龙神族
Stone Harrison #80 153
Stone Erinyes #123 139
Stone Philo #17 135
Stone Howard #73 132
Stone Skyros #153 129 [tbc]The nameles
Stone Bensalem #18 125
Stone Crantor #11 124
Stone Pittheus #146 122
stone Cerberus #117 113
stone Flame #54 112
Stone Santorini #106 96
Stone Moselle #100 93
Stone Deralin #314 92
stone Hephaestus #126 82
Stone Hyperborea #29 82
Stone Flores #25 69
Stone Nereid #136 69
stone Sargasso #27 62
stone Guadalquivir #82 62 juanchito
stone Tempest #58 62
Stone Draconis #4 62
Stone Klamath #81 62
Stone Cayce #22 62
Stone Hydra #53 62
Stone Phaedra #115 62
stone Tajo #95 62
Stone Persephone #12 62
Stone Delle #105 62
stone Menorca #104 62
STONE Petaluma #92 62
Stone Filyos #89 62
stone Thérain #65 62
Stone Naxos #287 50